Department of pediatrics

On the basis of order No. 2282 of August 18, 2020, the Department of “Pediatrics” was established in the Ferghana branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, in connection with the beginning of teaching specialties and special disciplines in the field of medicine and pediatrics. The department is located in the Ferghana Regional Children’s Multidisciplinary Medical Center.

The following subjects are currently taught at the department

Propaedeutics of children's diseases

Children's diseases. Neonatology

Pediatrics, neonatology


Pediatric surgery

Emergency situations.From the emergency medical service

Students from the field of medical practice, vocational education, and medical prevention will be trained. 

Pediatrics(International Joint Faculty):

  • Health and a healthy lifestyle in the professional work of a doctor;
  • Modern aspects of anthropogenetics;
  • An internship is conducted for students of the pediatric direction.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, 15 people work at the department, including 6 professors and teachers (3 candidates of sciences) in the main positions, 9-part-time. The scientific potential of the department is 33.3% of the base rate. 27% with external and internal analogues. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 2 employees of the department (Kobilova D.K. and Mullajonov X.E.) submitted documents for admission to the Institute of Independent Studies for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Since 2020, the department is headed by a pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences. R.M. Shermatov.
Shermatov Rasuljon Mamasiddikovich – candidate of medical sciences, pediatrician. Head of the Department of Pediatrics. Born on August 1966, 5 years in the Buvaida district of the Fergana region. In 1992 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Andijan State Medical Institute. Since 1994 he has been working at the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, initially he worked as an assistant of the department, senior teacher of the department, associate professor, head of the educational department and a number of leading positions, and now he is the head of the department of pediatrics. R.M. Shermatov, a pediatrician with almost 27 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as with 29 years of experience in practical medicine. In 2011 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Morphofunctional foundations of adaptive rearrangements of the gastric mucosa after total colon resection”. During his career, he has published over 30 articles, over 70 abstracts, monographs and many teaching aids. Reception days: every Tuesday of the week from 15.00 to 17.00.
Akhmedova Matluba Mukhammadjanovna –>candidate of medical sciences, pediatrician. Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics. She was born in 1953 in the Fergana region in a family of workers. In 1976 she graduated from Andijan State Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics. In 1986 she graduated from the clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of the Tashkent Medical Institute. Since 1995, she has been working at the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, at first she held the positions of a senior teacher, associate professor of the department, then head of the department, and currently works as a senior teacher at the Department of Pediatrics. In 1992 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Clinical and immunological features of pilus and pilse bronchial asthma in children”. During her career, she has authored more than 20 articles, more than 50 theses and teaching aids.
Xaidarov Nodirjon Sovridinovich – pediatric surgeon. Assistant at the Department of Pediatrics. Was born on November 25, 1988 in the city of Fergana, Fergana region. In 2016 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Andijan State Medical Institute, in 2019 he graduated from the magistracy in the direction of Pediatric Surgery. Currently works as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health.
Mullajonov Xasanboy Ergashalievich – pediatric cardio-rheumatologist. Assistant at the Department of Pediatrics. Born on December 22, 1988 in the village of Poloson, Oltiarik region, in an educated family. In 2015, he graduated from the Andijan State Medical Institute with a Bachelor’s degree in Pediatrics and in 2018, a Master’s degree in Pediatric Cardio-rheumatology. From 2018 to 2020, he worked as an ECG doctor in the consultative clinic of the Fergana Regional Children’s Multidisciplinary Medical Center. Currently works as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health.
Nishanova Zebo Khamroevna – pediatric cardio-rheumatologist. Assistant at the Department of Pediatrics. Born on December 8, 1987 in the city of Fergana, Fergana region. In 2014 she graduated from the Andijan State Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics. In 2018 she graduated from the magistracy in the direction of Pediatric Cardio-rheumatology. Currently works as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health.
Kabilova Dilbar Kamilovna – is a pediatrician of the highest category. Assistant at the Department of Pediatrics. She was born in 1961 in Kokand in the family of an employee. In 1978-1984 she studied at the pediatric faculty of the Andijan State Medical Institute. Since September 2, 2020, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. Since 1985, he has been actively working in the pediatric field of practical medicine. For 37 years of work in practical medicine, she has carried out a number of works to improve the quality of medical care for children not only in the Ferghana region, but also at the national level. In particular, in 2000, she took an active part in the creation of a new system in our country – scientific centers of emergency medical care specializing in the provision of separate emergency care, organized the department of emergency pediatrics of the Ferghana branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care. Currently, she is working on a study entitled “Features of laboratory parameters (inflammation, blood clotting, anticoagulant, quinine)in children with Covid-19”. During her career, she is the author of more than 5 articles, more than 20 theses and teaching aids.